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How to check the pulse of your Trees?

by Philip Hughes

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Tree Tops Pest Control has brought trees back with almost no leaves on them. 
Timely prompt attention is a must. Call us before your trees become that stressed!

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"When do you need a tree doctor?"

Deciding on when to call the tree doctor is very often put off. Most people will wait 
years to call a tree doctor and by that time extensive damage to the tree will have 
already occurred. I have often found it interesting how people will spend money 
galore on their yard and never have a tree doctor check out the most expensive 
plants on their yards. Tree often are valued at thousands of dollars and yet they 
recieve the least amount of care.  
If you want beatiful trees, they need to be maintained regulary. I generally recommend 
fertilizer and inpection each year. Finding problems early is the key to keeping your trees. 
Early insect control is paramount to the health of a tree. Many insects are vectors of tree 
disease and controlling insect problems extendeds life expectacy of the tree.

Symptoms to look for included: 
Dead Branches 
Bark Falling off 
Premature loss of Leaves 
Unusual small leaves 
Insects on the leaves

If you see any of the following symptoms call me immediately. If you would like to be on 
a regular care program call us at 281-704-5627.

The Woodlands 

Don't wait until it's to late! Saving trees at the last minute does not work!

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