Most people in search of tree care don’t know the right questions to ask when searching for a tree care company. They know
little or nothing about tree care. The following is a list of information the home owner should know when trying to hire a company.
Tree Care in the Houston area can be tricky! Most of the Arborists are into tree trimming and not tree care.
This information is intended for Texas residents but much of the information may be applicable in other states.
1. Most arborists are not tree doctors. Most arborists make over 90% of their living cutting,
pruning and taking trees down. Hire someone who makes 90% of their living doing tree care on a daily basis.
2. Most arborists are not licensed and know little about trees.
3. Certified arborists are generally people who belong to one of the national arborist associations.
This doesn’t mean that they understand about tree care.
4. The State of Texas does not Certify Arborists.
5. The State of Texas does offer certain categories which grant a business license to perform work on trees. The holder of any
license means that company meet the minimal standards of the state to receive a license. Testing criteria is generally pretty
lax in the area of tree care.These categories have very little to do with tree care. It is more of a money making opportunity
for the state. The more companies they issue licenses, the more revenue for the state.
6. Tree spraying will do very little to help a tree with sever problems. The average chemical will sprayed on a tree will help for
only about 10 days. Tree spraying should only be used for control measures when the problem is minor. Major infestations
of insects or fungus will generally require multiple spraying on a regular basis. Other treatment options may be necessary on
sever problems.
7. Fertilizing trees should be done once a year. Ninety percent of most Houston area hcompanies under fertilize
By 400%. Proper vigor is essential in maintaining the health of a tree.
8. The average arborist has less than two weeks of classroom training. Home owners have very little chance of getting proper
tree care done by one of these individuals.
9. Beware of cheap prices when hiring a tree care company. If it is to cheap there is probably something wrong. Many chemicals
cost upwards of several hundred dollars just for a gallon. Trees often are very large requiring many gallons of chemicals.
Treating a tree for what it may Cost to spray shrubs is a dead give away that something is wrong.
10. A good tree doctor can always demonstrate his knowledge. Listen carefully and make sure the
recommended solution makes sense. If you don’t understand ask for a more detailed explanation. Simple explanations that
don’t make sense are an indication of a lack of knowledge. Good tree care will come from a knowledgeable tree doctor.
Remember arborists are not tree doctors.
11. Most trees have multiple problems. The home owner has a much better chance of a successful outcome, if the tree doctor
can diagnose many diseases and insect problems. If the tree doctor can’t demonstrate this ability hire some one else. Good
tree care is hard to find.
12. Remember not all companiers offer the same service. There are many levels of service offered between companies. It is
always a good idea to compare the services offered very carefully.
13. Often you will be paying an arborist for trimmin
Trees & Tree Care
The average arborist has
less than two weeks of
class room training.
At Tree Tops you will always
get a straight answer. One
that is a solution to your
Note: No complaints have ever been filed with
the BBB in over 20 years.
Trees & Tree Care
Provides the Tree Services:
* Tree Diagnosis
* Tree Fertilizer
* Insect Control
* Fungus Control
* Soil Analysis
* Abiotic Disorders
* Bacterial Control
The average tree that I am asked to treat
has several problems. If an arborist can
not diagnose all of the problems, you are
wasting your money.
Tree trimming tips
Tree removal tips
Tree fertilizer tips
Tree care tips
Tree monitoring
Tree service tips
Tree Tops can be the tree medic for your tree needs.
Service Areas
Houston , Conroe ,The Woodlands ,Spring ,Spring Cypress ,Tomball , Willis
Porter , Kingwood , Montgomery , Magnolia ,Cypress
Information May be obtained on the following topics of information:
tree care and fertilizing , tree care and Insect control, tree care and Landscapine design
tree care and planting , tree care and pruning problems, tree care of ancient trees,
tree care and disease control , tree care and foundation problems , tree care and
the proper placement of trees on your lawn. Feel free to contact us on any of the above
topics. tree spraying
What are tree medics . A person who works on the health of trees. A Tree Doctor
is a person who has studied the specialized information needed to diagnose and treat
Tree Tops Pest Control has been serving the Houston area for over 20
Call 281-704-5627
"Serving Houston"
"Serving Spring, Conroe, The Woodlands"
Tree Care in the Houston Area
The Woodlands
Montgomery County
Harris County
Guide Lines for Proper Tree Care